Educating Employees on Health Benefits
Employers are responsible for educating their employees about the health coverage options they offer. Employees have the right to receive...

Oral Cancer
Oral cancer affects more than 40,000 Americans every year, claiming more than 7,000 lives. Maintaining a healthy lifestyle is the best...

IRS Confirms ACA Pay or Play Penalties Still Apply
Overview The IRS Office of Chief Counsel recently released an information letter regarding the employer shared responsibility (pay or...

Group Vision Insurance
Vision benefits are often overlooked in a typical benefits package, but they can be incredibly beneficial to employees. Offering your...

Sleep & Electronic Devices
The personal electronic devices that help make your daily life easier may be doing the opposite in regard to your nightly sleep habits....

Back Pain: Risk Factors & Causes
Back pain can range from a dull, constant ache to a sudden, sharp pain that causes incapacitation. It can come on suddenly—from an...

Federal Agencies Finalize Resources for Mental Health Parity Compliance
Overview The Departments of Labor, Health and Human Services and the Treasury (Departments) have finalized resources to promote...

Office Germs
The typical employee’s desk has more bacteria per square inch than an office toilet seat. If that's not disturbing enough, desks, phones...

2020 Open Enrollment Checklist
To prepare for open enrollment, group health plan sponsors should be aware of the legal changes affecting the design and administration...

GERD: Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease
Frequent heartburn, evidence of esophageal irritation or inflammation, blood or weight loss may be associated with a more severe problem...