Shop Around for Health Care

If you’re buying a pair of headphones or a TV, you probably search to find the retailer with the lowest price so you know where to go to get the best deal. Price comparison shopping is something you already do—so why not do it with the health care services you need?
Unless you’re in an emergency situation, where you should receive care at the closest health care facility, you should shop around and compare the price quotes you receive before scheduling a service or procedure.
How Can I Find Out Pricing Information? Just like how you would need to do the research to find the best price on a TV, you’ll need to research the pricing information on various health procedures or services.
One way to find out how much a procedure may cost is to call local facilities and speak to a billing professional to obtain a quote. Other ways that you can review prices include:
Searching a hospital’s website for a list of their typical charges
Using a third-party website like New Choice Health
Checking on your insurance provider’s website for price quotes based on your coverage, if available
Considerations to Keep in Mind When you’re shopping around for health care, you need to remember that the information you gather is a quote, and the actual cost you end up paying may vary slightly. Be sure to look for information on provider charges, contracted pricing and maximum allowable payments to become as knowledgeable as possible about the potential costs you’ll incur.
What’s Next? Next time you find yourself needing health care services that aren’t life-threatening, take a step back and take a few minutes to do some research to find the best price. Doing so will help you make the wisest decision for your health and for your wallet.